About this site

Just Another Monday is an independent publication launched in January 2024. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available.

My plan is to publish a post once a week. One random topic. Likely horribly written and a grammatical train wreck. I blame having English as my first class during high school. You have been warned.

Who is this?

For now, just some random person. I'm sure if you dig far enough you'll figure out it out. I had a daily blog back in the 90s. Rantings of a teenager. But it gave me a chance to learn how to build websites from scratch. Oh how things have changed.

It's been 15 years since I last published anything. So.. that is scary.

What's up with the domain name?

Sure I could use something more relevant. Likely it's horrible SEO but that's not the point. 20 years ago it was my online handle. Of all the domains I've registered over the years this was the original.

Follow along and sign up! Or don't

If for some crazy reason y0u want to follow along, by signing up you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that's still to come. Your very own private library.